
Posts Tagged ‘Support’

I didn’t actually see “Tribe” :


screened on the telly. Its rum victorious [mainstream-media] run was so curtailed that jogging memories of its brief broadcast mayn’t long be passably possible for those who (doze an’) didn’ take an active int’rest in the competition’s digital denouement.

I watched (in line) online as “Tribe” scooped the early accolade of : “Weekly Winner” and, in consequence of this considerable conquest, picked up the publicity that MUST have influenced why so very many more, amongst the contest’s 900+ (special ?) offerings, were also directed in the pains-taking stop-motion style.

An opponent finalist (the impressively slick short of an unseizably sizeable product pack poster being assembled from hundreds of component shots, criticised, in part, for doing more to promote photo’s than Doritos) was slammed for smacking of “professionalism” (probably by narky amateurs, hobbyists and other go-it-alone, self-taught, no-chance types who might have dreamed that their lives could have been turned around by the tiniest amount of encouragement/support/recognition generated via venerated webular exposure) not that I think there was anything in the rules prohibiting entries from ANY quarter.

The Triumphant Team certainly weren’t without the s(n)ort of sound grounding that should ensure they are never found starving in a garret…….. as the above link shows.

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